Main Streets / Streetscapes / Town Squares / Laneways

CLOVER director, Craig has worked all over Australia in cities and regional towns to analyse, consult and design responses for main streets, streetscapes, town squares and urban areas. This includes a variety of project scales for masterplans and townwide revitalisation strategies, urban greening and street tree planting as well as the activation of public spaces.

Open Space / Infrastructure / Masterplanning / Defence

CLOVER develops transformative open space projects of all scales from urban park lands, revegetation, infrastructure and masterplans through to pocket parks and public reserves. Each type of project requires a direct response to the site conditions and surrounding context to provide comfort, planting and tree canopy cover, access, diversity of uses and a robust design for authorities to maintain.

Parks / Playspaces / Recreation / Education

CLOVER works to plan, budget, consult, design and deliver education, playspaces and recreation masterplans. These include outdoor learning, adventure and traditional playspaces through to nature based experiences to promote exploration and imagination integrated with the surrounding environment.

Urban Greening / Green Walls / Facades / Roofs

Where space will not permit the planting of trees or inclusion of open space, the careful design and integration of green walls, roofs and facades with architectural and built elements is the only option to green spaces. It is vital that the orientation, infrastructure provisions, structural requirements, drainage, irrigation and plant selections are carefully considered to reduce ongoing maintenance and ensure the ongoing success of green elements.

Masterplanned Communities / Aged Care / Medium & High Density Living

CLOVER works on masterplanned developments to plan and integrate greening elements as an integral part of the project. It is vital for the amenity, wellbeing of residents, environment, climatic benefits and sustainability of the project to design shaded streetscapes, engaging parks and reserves as well as strong linkages and connections. CLOVER will act of the clients behalf to manage the design, documentation, approvals, tenders and supervise construction.